Fabian Lampart

Form and Content, Again. Four Remarks on Lyric Theory


Full-length article in: JLT 11/1 (2017), 74–82.

The following statement suggests reconsidering recent debates on a theory of lyric in terms of form and content. Four aspects and issues of the ongoing debate are discussed. In a first step, it is necessary to establish the relation between authorial poetics and lyric theory, since it is often characterised by fuzzy boundaries. Secondly, in order to specify the problem of form in lyric theory, it is suggested to have a closer look at the performative in lyric practice. Another important aspect of form is the semantics of lyrical genres. Lyrical genres mark an area in which form and content are intertwined and in which aspects of the form itself become semantic. Finally, the author argues that we should discuss – if possible assisted by a didactics sensitive to literary texts – whether and how theoretical proposals could be transformed into a practice of teaching poetry.


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Abstract of: Fabian Lampart, Form and Content, Again. Four Remarks on Lyric Theory.

In: JLTonline (16.03.2017)

URL: http://www.jltonline.de/index.php/articles/article/view/879/2005

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