Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


The Journal of Literary Theory is an international forum for debate in literary theory. JLT takes an interdisciplinary approach and is open to a broad variety of theories and methods, promoting their study, research, and development.

The Journal of Literary Theory reflects the diversity of approaches put forward in literary theory. It is meant to be a platform for controversial debate and dialogue. The Journal of Literary Theory has an interdisciplinary orientation. It reaches out to disciplines dealing with theoretical foundations of the study of literature as well as to related fields of research such as musicology, art theory, and film studies as well as the sciences.

Above all, the journal aims to publish work on fundamental issues in methodology and the construction of theories and concepts, as well as articles on particular literary theories. Case studies, i.e. studies on specific authors, works, or problems of literary history, are accepted only if they adopt a predominantly systematic perspective, contribute to the reconstruction of the history of literary theory, or pursue innovative methods. Moreover, the Journal of Literary Theory contains work reviewing and outlining trends of theoretical debates in literary theory and related disciplines.

While most issues of the print version concentrate on a special theme, independent articles are also welcome.

The print version of the Journal of Literary Theory is published twice a year; each issue contains contributions in both German and English. All articles will be accompanied by an English abstract of about two pages. Submissions are selected in a blind review process and accepted for publication by an international advisory board.

The printed Journal of Literary Theory is accompanied by the website JLTonline, where reviews, conference reports, calls for papers, and abstracts of all articles, as well as selected full-text articles from the printed journal are published.


Section Policies


Most issues of JLT have a special focus topic. At least three articles of each special issue are devoted to this topic. For a list of upcoming focus topics and submission deadlines please view the homepage of JLT Articles. All contributions to this section are reviewed in a double blind peer review process. To submit contributions to this section, please use our online submission. Details on how to do this can be found in our information for authors.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


JLT publishes articles that meet our content requirements (see above) and standards of quality. All contributions to this section are reviewed in a double blind peer review process. To submit contributions to this section, please use our online submission. Details on how to do this can be found in our information for authors.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


JLT publishes debates in which contributors discuss a selected topic of relevance to current literary theory. Initial contributions are invited by the editors. Replies to the current controversy can be submitted online and will be reviewed by the editors of JLT.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Article submissions are selected in a double blind review process and accepted for publication by our international advisory board.
The review process takes 4-8 weeks. In case the contribution is accepted only on condition of a revision, authors are usually given 4-6 weeks to revise the article.


Publication Frequency

The print version of the Journal of Literary Theory is published twice a year. Abstracts of all articles and selected full-text articles can be found in the Articles section of JLTonline.


Open Access Policy

JLTonline provides immediate open access to its content. Please note that JLTonline does not equal the full printed JLT, but publishes only abstracts of all articles and full texts of selected articles.



JLTonline does not take responsibility for the contents of external links.


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