Charles Altieri

The Lyrical Impulse


Full-length article in: JLT 11/1 (2017), 12–21.

This statement does not challenge Jonathan Culler’s argument that lyric is not dramatic monologue but primarily »an event in the lyric present, a time of enunciation« (Culler 2014, 68; cf. Culler 2015). But it poses an alternative view of lyricism, at least for Modernist poetry. The essay asks, in other words, not what lyric is, but what poets seeking to participate in a genre are doing and why. In »The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock«, for example, T.S. Eliot deliberately creates a clash between expectations born of dramatic monologue and those sustained by the staging of a lyric ego whose modes of presence cannot be contained within ironic distance. Similarly, when Yeats and Auden write lullabies, they are not content with individual instances of lullaby but want to capture the essence of lullaby as one aspect of levels of feeling inseparable from ideas of genre, not just uses of the genre.

Lyricism also emphasizes, more than do studies of lyric as a genre, that poetry has a distinctive relationship to musicality. The essay develops two extended examples – in the form of a contrast between two poems in the first Imagist anthology Des Imagistes, namely H.D.’s (Hilda Doolittle’s) »Sitalkas« and Ezra Pound’s »Doria« – as an example of what Pound called »patterned music«, which Pound opposed to the »emotional music cultivated by the spirit of Impressionism«. Finally it turns to the contemporary poet Lisa Robertson’s »Sunday« as an instance of cultivating the power of indexicals as an alternative to any kind of overt »speaking situation« with its inevitably damaged versions of subjectivity.


Brower, Reuben A., Reading in Slow Motion, in: R.A.B./Richard Poirier (ed.), In Defense of Reading, New York 1962 3–21 (originally published in: Jacob M. Price [ed.], Reading for Life, Ann Arbor, 1959).

Culler, Jonathan, Lyric, History, and Genre, in: Virginia Jackson/Yopie Prins (ed.), The Lyric Theory Reader, Baltimore 2014, 63–76.

Culler, Jonathan, Theory of the Lyric, Cambridge, MA 2015.

Hegel, Friedrich, Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, transl. by T.M. Knox, Oxford 1975.

Pound, Ezra, Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, ed. by T.S. Eliot, London 1960 (Pound 1960a).

Pound, Ezra, Gaudier-Brzeska. A Memoir, New York 1960 (Pound 1960b).

Pound, Ezra (ed.), Des Imagistes: An Anthology, New York 1914.

Robertson, Lisa, The Weather, Vancouver 2001.

Robertson, Lisa, Nilling: Prose Essays on Noise, Pornography, The Codex, Melancholy, Lucretius, Folds, Cities and Related Aporias, Toronto 2012.

Sherry, Vincent, Modernism and the Reinvention of Decadence, Cambridge 2015.


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Abstract of: Charles Altieri, The Lyrical Impulse.

In: JLTonline (16.03.2017)

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