Call for Articles: Journal of Literary Theory Vol

Call for Articles: Journal of Literary Theory Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013)

Theories and Models of Literary Historiography

EXTENDED Submission Deadline: March 15, 2013


Since the 1980s theories and models of literary historiography have been repeatedly discussed controversially among scholars in the cultural and literature studies. A variety of models has been introduced and discussed, ranging from annalistic and narrative to teleological theories of literary historiography. Furthermore, critical approaches towards such projects have been developed, which emphasize the subjectivity of literary historiography and argue for a deliberate orientation along a canon of texts. Other approaches focus on quantitative methods. Overall, concepts such as ›literature‹‚ ›development‹, ›era‹ or ›epoch‹ have been criticized and challenged by new conceptions.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Facing a variety of theories, as well as postmodern criticism, what goals should literary historiography pursue?

  • Should categories such as ›epoch‹, ›movement‹, ›style‹ or ›generation‹ etc. be considered constitutive, necessary, or obsolete for literary historiography?

  • What is the relation between literary historiography and other theoretical enterprises such as edition philology, interpretation, and the history of literary studies?

  • Which roles play other disciplines, e.g. historiography, sociology, ethnology, or anthropology in the development of literary historiography? Which new methods (e.g. from the digital humanities) should be deployed in such an enterprise?

  • How can the relation between a literary text and its non-literary context be understood? How are texts connected to events, agents, structures, and processes?

We encourage submissions from all language and literature departments as well as other fields within the humanities and social sciences.

Contributions should not exceed 50,000 characters in length and have to be submitted until March 15, 2013. Please submit your contribution electronically via our website under ›Articles‹.

Articles are chosen for publication by an international advisory board in a double-blind review process.

For further information about JLT and to view the submission guidelines, please visit or contact the editorial office at

Hannes Worthmann

Assistant Editor

JLT - Journal of Literary Theory

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Seminar für Deutsche Philologie

Käte-Hamburger-Weg 3

37073 Göttingen

0049 - (0)551 - 39 – 7534