European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2011

European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2011

Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France

18th - 20th of April, 2011

Submission deadline: 09th of January, 2011


The European Society for Aesthetics would like to invite you to submit a paper for presentation at the ESA Conference 2011. The conference will be co-organised by the ESA and the Philosophy Department at the Université Pierre Mendès-France and will take place in Grenoble from the 18th of April (noon) until the 20th of April (evening) 2011. There will be three to four keynote speakers, among them Roger Pouivet (University of Nancy).

We are inviting papers from all traditions and on any topic in philosophical aesthetics, and both systematic and historical presentations are welcome. We encourage the presentation of papers in English, but submissions in other major European languages will be considered equally. For each talk, there will be time for a 30-minute presentation, with about another 30 minutes designated for dicusssion. All accepted papers are eligible for publication in the ESA proceedings.

We prefer the submission of full papers of about 3000-4000 words, combined with a short abstract. Alternatively, it is also possible to send in longer abstracts of a minimal length of 800 words, that present not only the main ideas and claims of the paper, but also sketch its chief considerations and arguments in favour of them. Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous, allowing for blind refereering.

Please note that, largely due to organisational reasons, this coming conference will be considerably smaller in scale than the last conference in Udine. More specifically, we will be able to accommodate not more than 30 submitted papers this time (down from 60 at Udine). This might unfortunately mean that we could be forced to reject even more papers than last time (where we received 150 submissions). However, the conferences in 2012 and 2013 - in Guimaraes (Portugal) and Prague (Czech Republic), respectively - will again be larger in size.

To submit your paper, please use the EasyChair online submission system. We also encourage all submitters to sign up for a free membership of the ESA. The deadline for submissions of papers is the 9th of January 2011, and we aim to inform you about the result of our selection process by the end of January 2011.

This and further information on the conference is available at the conference website. Please send all your questions to the conference organisers at:

We would like to thank the Université Pierre Mendès-France, the British Society of Aesthetics and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik for their very generous support.

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