Jan Borkowski / Philipp David Heine

Ziele der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung


Full-length article in: JLT 7/1-2 (2013), 31–63.

This article explores the various aims of literary historiography. Although this is an issue of crucial importance to dealing with literary history, it has not yet received the attention it deserves. Scholars have rarely devoted more than incidental thought to this matter. Furthermore, there is disagreement as to what may count as a legitimate and worthwhile aim of literary historiography. In this article, we try to provide a comprehensive overview and systematic account of these aims. Neutrally put and in accordance with the colloquial use of the word, we consider an ›aim‹ to be what one is intending or trying to achieve by doing something. One could speak of the ›task‹, the ›purpose‹, or the ›function‹ of literary historiography as well – the respective differences in meaning are of no importance here.

It is our main contention that one can reasonably distinguish between two broadly construed ›conceptions‹ of literary historiography, each of them comprising at least four aims. We take a ›conception‹ to be a set of general theoretical assumptions and methodological rules pertaining to a group of approaches to literary historiography. Thus understood, a conception also includes a set of global strategies that forms the general framework for particular aims. By drawing on relevant research literature since the 1970s, predominantly in German, we hope to provide evidence for our claim that the aims we have identified capture the prevalent scholarly practice adequately. It can be shown that these aims are in accordance with what scholars explicitly or implicitly take to be the intention of their research.

The first conception of literary historiography we describe is the ›historicizing conception‹ (in German: historisierende Konzeption) which more or less exclusively focuses on literature in its historical context of production, distribution, and reception. Generally speaking, it aims at scientific knowledge of literary history. Therefore, it has to meet criteria such as objectivity and verifiability. It primarily addresses other scholars through genres like articles in scientific journals, doctoral theses and habilitation treatises, encyclopaedias, or handbooks. This conception implies the following four aims:

(i) establishing true (or probable) propositions about literary texts in their historical contexts, i. e. the aim of ›reconstruction‹ (Rekonstruktion)

(ii) providing the historical background information required for analysing and interpreting literary texts, i. e. the aim of ›informing‹ (Information)

(iii) elucidating the historical conditions that have shaped today’s scholarly practice, i. e. the aim of ›reflection‹ (Reflexion)

(iv) collecting the substantiated state of knowledge in literary history and conveying it to other scholars and in particular students, i. e. the aim of ›codification‹ (Kodifikation)

The second conception of literary historiography we discuss directs the scholar’s attention to those aspects of literary history that are deemed to be relevant in the light of present-day concerns (aktualisierende Konzeption). In particular, literary texts are studied with respect to the potential functions they might fulfil for contemporary audiences. Accordingly, literary texts are judged by criteria like, for instance, their cognitive value, their subversive potentials, or their impact on cultural memory. Among the intended audience are not only other scholars, but also non-professional readers. Therefore, non-fiction genres are typical of this conception. This conception, too, comprises four aims:

(i) imparting knowledge of literary history to readers who are not professionals in this field, i. e. the aim of ›popularisation‹ (Popularisierung)

(ii) exploring the significance of literary texts of the past and applying them to problems of the present, i. e. the aim of ›application‹ (Applikation)

(iii) criticising contemporary literary practice with reference to its historical development, or exploring the subversive potentials of literary texts, i. e. the aim of ›critique‹ (Kritik)

(iv) forming and preserving literary tradition and handing it down, for example as a contribution to cultural identity, i. e. the aim of ›commemoration‹ (Erinnerung)

The article is structured as follows: At the beginning, we will sketch our leading question and our procedure, briefly comment on the current state of research and clarify the central concepts (cf. 1.). The main part of the article will be devoted to delineating the two conceptions and the corresponding aims (cf. 2. and 3.). In a concluding section (cf. 4.), we will summarise the systematic results of our considerations. We will try to show that the distinctions and explanations we have introduced are correct. We will argue that the eight aims of literary historiography can be informatively characterised and that they can be distinguished from each other in a sufficiently clear way. Moreover, it can be demonstrated how these aims relate to one another. In view of these results, we will conclude by suggesting that the theory and practice of literary historiography prima facie allow for a circumspect pluralism of aims: There is not just one single legitimate and worthwhile aim of literary historiography, but several, some of which can even be combined. Still, what is required in all these cases, of course, is that the respective aims are integrated into a well-founded theory of literary historiography. At any rate, it is not the objective of our investigation to come to a decision with regard to the question whether some aims are acceptable while others are not. We do not evaluate, but try to describe the possible aims of literary historiography in a satisfactory and clearly laid out manner.


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Abstract of: Jan Borkowski / Philipp David Heine, Ziele der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung.

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