Tom Kindt

Steffanie Metzger

Narrating the Self: ›Life Gestalt‹?


Full-length article in: JLT 2/2 (2008), 271-286.

›The I is a narrative construction‹: This thesis has sparked a broad interdisciplinary debate between the cognitive sciences, analytical philosophy, and narrative theory. This article tests the utility of the concept of ›gestalt‹ in this context, for historical as well as for systematic questions, by endeavouring to arrive at a closer definition of the narratological mechanisms which form the basis of the narrated ›life gestalt‹. Examples are August Hermann Francke’s Lebenslauff and Heinrich Jung-Stilling’s Lebensgeschichte.


JLTonline ISSN 1862-8990

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How to cite this item:

Abstract of: Steffanie Metzger, Das Ich als Geschichte: Erzählte ›Lebensgestalten‹?

In: JLTonline (16.09.2009)


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